Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What I wanna be...

As I am moving closer towards the working life,
I feel the need to actually set myself a path to secure a future career..
Well, my friend Lim has already set his really well; what he has to do is just follow according to his plan, and that's it.

For me, well, I am a marketing major, two years to go and I'm done with a degree....then what else...? I have no idea how my path would look like.
I do have thoughts about many things. From working in a company to opening my own business.

If I work for a company, what should I work as? What kind of company should I choose? I would like to work in a company full of fun. But somehow, I have to boost my confidence and my ability to talk fluently. Marketing majors, how am I to convince someone when I can't even speak in an American accent if I am to work here. I still have my very Asian accent even though i have been here in USA for 6 months. And I guess another problem I have is that my resume don't look good alright...! I haven't been in any clubs or associations taking up post...! =='' Means this makes it even harder for me. Well, if I still don't do anything about it, I'm so doomed! ;p What makes it more grueling, is that i am not working...!

On the other hand, what if I want to open my own business? What kind of business would it be then? Oh god.... Well, I am such an immature person that really need myself to nag on me...! If not.... procrastination will win the race and I will be so gone with it.

I am thinking of majoring another specialization. Well, hmm.... there's no point taking up a major that I have no single idea on. Plus, the point is I do not know what I want to be...! But will it be a good idea to do so or...?

Well life's a disaster.....! ;p Hmm... I really should be serious about it already. 1 and a half years left for me and I'm cut with financial support....!=='' Adeleine... you have to be more serious about yourself already!