Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Saturday, August 28, 2010


I'm still sick...!
have never really recovered and has been continuously sick since weeks ago...! =='
It all started from that bowl of Assam Laksa in Penang!
Well, serve me right for eating it without realising my body symptoms worsening...!

Really hope to be healthy again soon!
Being sick is like hell! ...weep!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Taylor's Lakeside Visit

I get to go home straight after my 12.15 class today as I do not need to pick up my brother. So I walked to the post office to mail something, then back to my Subang campus to collect my books, then went straight to my car. While on the way home, I decided to go on a sudden visit to Taylor's Lakeside to collect my Business Plan competition (2009) cheque. Yeay, after so long a period, I finally made up my mind to go collect the cheque! =p

It was the first time I went to Lakeside all by myself.I drove and wanted to park inside the campus parking lot, but it was full and I had to park beside the mosque, hoping that the authorities would not clamp my car (It's not a parking zone).

So I went in, my head turning from left to right, and vice versa, as I was very unfamiliar with that gigantic area. The first place I found myself standing in front of, is the administration and registration office; The first sight behind the door is, a massive crowd! I squeezed myself towards the service counter to ask for information about where to collect the cheque. She addressed me to go right up the stairs to another department (Which I don't care what department I was at). There was another crowd! Oh dear...! Then again, I squeeze thru the crowd towards the staff to ask for assistance; And again, she directed me to another department, the business and law dept. It was situated at the E division...which was like at the other end of the campus from where I'm standing. Oh well....there goes again. When I got there...and again....another crowd....Wow..! I guess I chose the wrong date. It was packed with students of the July intake! Each and every office were crowded with students asking for information and there were so few staffs to account for. It was a mess...

So while I thought I finally got to the right place to collect my cheque, the lady there told me I would have to write down my details and my phone number to be able to collect it some other day..! Oh well...what a day..!

Besides the troublesome moment I had at Lakeside,
I went to the dentist for gigi checkup today!
My teeth is shiningly bright now!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


And it was 20th July 2010, Tuesday night, 2 days away from my accounts test.
Sad thing is, I do not feel the 'Oomph' to study at all...! =='
I tend to procrastinate during summer semesters! I just...feel very lazy!
Com'on you know, summers are meant for holidays, not for studies... oh well, excuses!
Needless to say so, I did not revise anything that night. =)
So what am I doing? Other than facebooking for a moment, I checked my mail, browse around the net....yadaa..and oh ya, I composed a song dedicated to my friend in conjuction of's birthday! ;p

Well, it was one of those songs I composed which I am satisfied with. From 7pm, I started my composition, and I completed it at 1am...!><

P.S. While listening, use Earphone or headphone for better effect.


Okhaye...after listening to it, what are your comments? Lols!
I brought the song to college the following day. Some say there isn't enough rhythms as background effect, some say I can make my own recordings, some say they are too repetitive, too boring. ==' Hmm... Makes me wander...what makes a good composition?

Monday, July 12, 2010

The Start

Knowing that I will be setting off for O.S.U (Ohio State University), U.S. soon to further my studies, I started this blog, hoping I would be determined enough to frequently load new stuffs to update my family and friends about the great (...or half dead) life I have in US.

So now, I decided to start writing now to make blogging a habit. I'll be leaving on September 10, and arrive on September 11, more or less two months from now. Psst...! My friend WQ suggested that when I grow up, I should brag to my children and grandchildren that I landed in U.S. on September 11, the date when US World Trade Centre were crashed. and they'll be thrilled to know how much terror I had encountered! ...I just have to keep them from asking me what year I landed!

Oh ya!! I just got my I-20 today!!! For those of you who does not know what I-20 is, it is an application form essential for use to apply for visa to US. I've been waiting for that more than 2 weeks!! Finally I can start applying for my visa at the U.S. embassy. But here comes the trouble. It's now close to the end of the semester, and there are loads and loads of assignments and test coming up! ==''' Ish!!! So mafan and tiresome!

Whatever it is, I'll have to balance my time and get both things done before I screw everything up and, what I'd get is
One, unable to fly to U.S.;
Two, no Unis to study;
Three, no house to stay (My parents will throw me out of the house for wasting the one-way air ticket that cost a DSLR!)