Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Thought of the Day: Leap Year

I have never placed any effort in noticing the extra day in a year that occurs every four years. Well, to me, it was nothing but an extra day to spend. But for this year's, having to spend it together with my friends is not bad. At least, by knowing it's existence help me remember what I  did with the extra day that comes only four year once, and knowing that it is so rare that you should use it to do something memorable. And this year, I get to have dinner together with a few of my close friends. Tired as I am from the lack of sleep, what I did was to  stare at them blankly and day dream, still I am contented. I know that there is really nothing to shout about, I feel like this is still those kinda small moments I would like to treasure when I grow up. =)

Happy things comes from small little things and careful little observations I guess.

Happy Leap Year world! =)
Wishing you to treasure the extra day given, 
to do what will build a good memory. 

Monday, February 27, 2012

Time Management

Thanks to my ever wonderful housemate, I finally get to know the secret behind her success!
I really appreciate your help! Love you much! Muax!
Can't write much..! Back to studies! Time Management!! xDDDD

Friday, February 24, 2012


Never bring workloads to bed, that is what you will get..! =) (the title...)

Had fun with a bunch of friends chatting for 2 hours about ridiculous ideas from things like flying to Taiwan for Jimmy Johns to things like Sleeping being a university subject to be taken by all students. That brighten my day (night) up!

Well, its been near the end of the quarter, but the workload just doesn't seem to decrease. Taking 5 major courses is definitely hectic. I have to juggle from one subject to the other, and to try to maintain the overall grades evenly. And of course, I get upset every time I missed my targeted results.Yet, compared to the last few quarters, having an internal goal and a prepared mind definitely is different from flowing through day by day without one.

Knowing that now I have a goal, and by when it should be achieved, that is probably what is driving me now. It's like... time isn't enough to spend! In order to achieve that goal, you have to fulfill this and that, fight the fear, take up challenges, do the undesirables. I am in the stage of learning to handle what I once gave up on. It's not like I did give up on me the first place, but it happens, well, unconsciously and natural. It's just like how you took a wrong path down the maze. You knew you once had a goal, but you lost your direction. You knew you want to be someone, but you had too many choices that you lost what you wanted to pursue. And it takes time to realize you are on the wrong track. And sometimes, worse, you may not even realize you were.

Well, I am on my way getting out of that maze (hopefully). But getting out of one, means going into the other. Let's just hope "al iz Well"... =)

Good night folks..!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

With a Smile

I smiled looking back at the old blog posts...
There is...well.. a huge difference between the topics of the start of 2011 and the end of 2011 and beyond..!

More to Overcome


Being motivated is one thing, able to handle the stress produced from trying to be the best is another.
Now I recalled why I loss to myself back then - giving up due to fear, terrible self emotional management and stability.

You better do something about it!
You are so not gonna fall into the same route again...!
Now that you have a dream, a future goal, if you don't do something about it, you will never reach it.

Good luck Adeleine..
May you find the right path, the right mind, the right action..