Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Thought of the Day: Leap Year

I have never placed any effort in noticing the extra day in a year that occurs every four years. Well, to me, it was nothing but an extra day to spend. But for this year's, having to spend it together with my friends is not bad. At least, by knowing it's existence help me remember what I  did with the extra day that comes only four year once, and knowing that it is so rare that you should use it to do something memorable. And this year, I get to have dinner together with a few of my close friends. Tired as I am from the lack of sleep, what I did was to  stare at them blankly and day dream, still I am contented. I know that there is really nothing to shout about, I feel like this is still those kinda small moments I would like to treasure when I grow up. =)

Happy things comes from small little things and careful little observations I guess.

Happy Leap Year world! =)
Wishing you to treasure the extra day given, 
to do what will build a good memory. 

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